
How Small Businesses Can Support Employee Wellbeing

Mother holding a toddler in her arms outdoors

Monday, September 18, 2023

How small businesses can support employee well-being

Small businesses play a critical role in the wellbeing of their employees. A positive workplace culture, mental and physical health support, and effective measurement strategies can help improve employee satisfaction and retention, leading to business success. In this blog post, we'll explore practical and effective ways for small businesses to support employee well-being.

Creating a positive workplace culture

Creating a positive workplace culture is essential for supporting employee well-being. Positive company culture helps employees feel valued and motivated, leading to improved job satisfaction and performance. Here are some steps small businesses can take.

  • Foster open communication: Encourage open communication between employees and management, promoting transparency and trust. This can be achieved through regular employee feedback sessions, one-on-one meetings, or an open-door policy.

  • Recognize and reward employees: Regularly recognize and reward employees for their hard work and achievements. This could include company events, bonuses or time off.

  • Promote work-life balance: Give employees the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible work hours, telecommuting options, and paid time off.

Supporting mental health

Mental health is a critical aspect of employee well-being that should not be overlooked. Small businesses can support mental health by creating a positive workplace culture, offering resources, promoting mindfulness, and self-care practices.

  • Creating a positive workplace culture: As discussed in the previous section, creating a positive workplace culture is essential for supporting mental health.

  • Offering mental health resources: Offering resources, such as an employee assistance program or access to a mental health professional, can help employees manage stress and maintain their mental well-being.

  • Promoting mindfulness and self-care: Encourage mindfulness and self-care practices, such as yoga or meditation, to help employees effectively reduce stress and stay centered.

Encouraging physical health

Physical health is important for mental well-being. Small businesses can encourage physical health by offering resources, promoting an active lifestyle and providing healthy food options.

  • Physical health resources: Offer resources, such as health screenings or gym memberships, to help employees maintain their physical health.

  • Promoting active lifestyles: Encourage employees to be physically active by sponsoring a charity run/walk, holding step contests, providing discounted yoga classes with a local studio, or whatever else sounds like active fun.

  • Provide healthy food options: Offer healthy food options, such as a company-provided breakfast or healthy snacks, to encourage employees to make nutritious food choices.

Measuring success

To ensure that your efforts to support employee well-being are successful, it is important to define key metrics, monitor progress, and adjust strategies, as needed.

  • Defining key metrics: Define key metrics, such as employee satisfaction or retention rates, to measure the success of your efforts to support employee wellbeing.

  • Monitor progress: Regularly monitor progress and gather feedback from employees to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies.

  • Adjusting strategies as needed: Based on the results of your monitoring, make adjustments to your strategies as needed to better support employee well-being.


In conclusion, supporting employee wellbeing is essential for the success of small businesses. By creating a positive workplace culture, supporting mental and physical health, and measuring success, small businesses can improve employee satisfaction and retention, leading to increased productivity and overall business success. Remember, supporting employee well-being is not just the right thing to do, it's also good for business. 

Take the time to consider the steps outlined in this blog and implement the strategies that will work best for your business. Whether it's creating a positive workplace culture, offering mental and physical health resources, promoting active lifestyles, or measuring success, there are many ways to support employee well-being. Start by taking small steps and adjust as needed, to ensure that your employees feel valued and supported, leading to a happier and more productive workplace.

Start prioritizing your employee’s well-being and get a small business health plan quote today. It’s fast, and there’s no obligation.


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